In Lieu of Services
In partnership with the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (Iowa HHS), Iowa Total Care offers In Lieu of Services (ILOS) to Iowa Medicaid members currently on a waitlist for one of Iowa’s 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers.
ILOS support members who are at immediate risk of hospitalization or institutionalization and those wanting to return to a community living environment. Please refer to Iowa HHS Medicaid Informational Letter No. 2620-MC-FFS for additional details, including procedure codes, requirements and limitations.
Please note: Members in limited benefit groups, such as Iowa Health and Wellness Plan (IHAWP) or Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa (Hawki) are not eligible for ILOS.
Services available include:
- Pre-Tenancy and Tenancy Sustaining Services
- Housing Transition Navigation Services
- Case Management
- Respite Care
- Personal Care Services
- Medically Tailored Meals
- Assistive Services/Devices
- Home Modifications
- Vehicle Modifications
- Intermittent Supported Community Living (SCL)
- Supported Employment
- Personal Emergency Response Systems
- Specialized Medical Equipment
- Adult Day Care
- Non-Medical Transportation
Questions? Please contact Iowa Total Care Provider Relations or your provider engagement account manager.